Every SharedInbox account automatically has a support site. You can find the link to yours in the settings page for Support site. It is in the form [your-team-domain].supportby.email where [your-team-domain] is your Slack’s workspace domain.
You can change this to something more custom like a full domain (supportforawesome.app) or a subdomain (support.awesome.app).
For full domains, simply point the domain’s A record to and update the domain in the settings page.
For subdomains, create a CNAME pointing to domains.sharedinbox.co and update the domain in the settings page.
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Feel free to play around in our sandbox to see how easy it is to send and receive emails from Slack! You don’t have to sign up for a trial or add credit card information in order to use it.
Just click the “Try our sandbox!” button, click “Open Slack” when prompted and see how it works for yourself!